The door to the reclusive Writer's Life is swung wide, like outstretched arms it welcomes you inside. Click bio link to read my debut novel "Beyond The Spiral Gates"
An unforgettable performance of "Vines" live in New York with the great Ron Grant and his amazing band!
Be sure to subscribe to the Indie Soull Youtube channel to view the latest live videos of new songs
Be sure to subscribe to the Indie Soull Youtube channel to view the latest live videos of new songs from Mutch Katsonga's debut solo LP "Words That Flew From The Page"! A recent solo acoustic performance of a brand new song, "Velvet Wings"
Mutch Katsonga performs his new composition "Vines".Filmed at Black Sands Studios,AKL!
Visual Base TV recently asked Mutch Katsonga to play two original songs for their acoustic segment. Here's his performance of "Midnight Train".
You can now listen to the complete first side of our LP " A Journey To the Sacred Falls" on Youtube! Also available from itunes and rhapsody music stores!
Here's a recent solo performance of "Squalid Rooms" from Visual Base TV! Big thanks to Ollie Barnett. The original version of "Squalid Rooms" can be found on The Indie Soul Movement EP, available from Itunes, Amazon and all online stores.
You can also check it out as well as latest updates at our INDIE SOUL MOVEMENT facebook page OUR MUSIC CAN NOW BE FOUND AT MTV.COM The Indie Soul Movement performing Live